
  • Presentation of “Momento 01”,  November 21st, during the Climate Reality Project 24H “Truth in Action” connected with Berlin
  • “Momento 01.1”, November 7th, at the Institute of Agraria (Collelungo – Sabina), with a roundtable discussion on architecture and territory.
  • “Moment 01” September 20-26, in Sabina (Mompeo, Montenero, Casaprota), in the countryside, during the Climate Week and the Global Climate Strike, with the major international artist Miltos Manetas, in partnership with the Climate Reality Project, the Italian Climate Network,, etc.
  • “CLIMate X Life” – UNITI PER IL CLIMA (#climateforlife #unitiperilclima), August 25th, Milano, at Castello Sforzesco, celebrating Leonardo, focusing on re-deeming, re-winding, re-casting, and re-ordering.
  • The “Zero Event”, June 22nd, Rome, “Città dell’Altra Economia”: artists, musicians and social theatre actors have exhibited and performed on the specific topic of the divestment from fossil fuels, with the major partner “The Climate Reality Project”, together with, Forum Terzo Settore Lazio, Italian Climate Network and Gruppo JOBEL.
  • Presentation at Maxxi (National Museum of 21st Century Arts), “Città Come Cultura, Edition II“: April/May 2018: analysis and cultural policies, between city and territory; territory, museums and network.
Upcoming activities
  • Moment 01.2: “Synchronic” with the artist Paolo Vanda, on January 18th in Montenero,  January 25th in Casaprota and  February 1st in Mompeo in Sabina, continuing Moment 01, and expressing the Fragility and Vitality of human beings in relation to nature.

  • EcoArt: including the topic of Art& Environment in the school curricula (Liceo de Chirico, Roma).

  • The Ground Zero Exhibition: the Exposition Universelle was held in Paris in 1889, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille; it heralded progress, celebrating the industrialization era.
    The Ground Zero Exhibition will be held in Naples in 2020 and intends to head up to an environmental era proposing and generating a transformational path facing the current unstable social, political and environmental period.
    The creative exhibition will connect and call major artists from across different disciplines (painting, sculpture, photography, design, poetry, music, dance, etc.), and expose art with a focus on climate change. As a bottom up process would be promoted all along the traditional top down course, encouraging and mobilizing action.